How to Keep Data Secure

No matter if they occur in large multinational corporations or small-scale businesses data breaches can cause havoc. Lost customer trust, compromised personal data and a sour brand image are just a few of the consequences.

Making sure your company’s data is secure does not have to be difficult. By implementing some simple best practices, your business can stay protected from cyberattacks and avoid data breaches.

1. Set up a strict policy for passwords.

Strong passwords are the best method to protect your company’s data from hackers. They are more difficult to crack or guess. In addition, the requirement of two-factor authentication (2FA) can add an additional layer of security to your accounts.

2. Encrypt all data at rest and while in transit.

Encryption is a fantastic way to protect your company’s data because it encrypts the data so that unauthorised users won’t be able to read it without a decryption key. In addition to encryption of data, it is also essential to ensure that all data is backed up to ensure that you can retrieve it in the event of an incident of data loss or disaster.

3. Conduct frequent updates of software.

A robust patch management strategy implemented is essential to safeguarding your business’s data from malware and other security dangers. Make sure that your systems are regularly updated with fresh patches and that employees follow the same process when updating their own devices or personal computers.

4. Store sensitive data on physical media with care.

Ensure your data is properly stored on fireproof and waterproof media, and only accessible to approved personnel who have access keys or biometrics. Be sure to delete any hard copies of sensitive data when they’re no longer required.

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